Hayley is a registered Art Therapist and Counsellor based in Parramatta and Granville on Darug land.
As a therapist, Hayley utilises art making processes with her clients to support mental health and wellbeing
through creative reflection, self-expression and exploration.
She is currently seeing adults 1-1 to assist in the following areas: trauma, neurodiversity, anxiety,
depression, identity, social skills, sensory processing, and fine motor skills.
Current Availability for individual sessions:
- Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Pari
- Thursday and Friday all day at The Granville Centre
Fees: (based on current NDIS payment standards)
Individual sessions
- $193 / 50 minute initial consultation
- $180 / 50 minute ongoing sessions
+ sliding scale from $90 - $180 is available to individuals who are not receiving NDIS funding.
Sliding scale can be negotiated in an intiatial consultation.